Hi friends, thanks for calling by. Today I have part one of my September
DT reveal for 2Crafty chipboard to share with you.
I have used one of my favourite 2 Crafty chippies sets here, the
"Leafy Shrub Set #2". There are four beautiful flourishy pieces of foliage
in this set & they are the perfect accessory for any sort of flower cluster.
All the chippies on this layout were treated in the same way. Firstly they were all
given a coat of gesso to prime them, followed by some 13arts paint & then a
random wipe over with some Distress ink. Some of the leaves were also given
a touch of texture paste for a bit of added interest.
The sweet little script words I have used on this layout are a new release item,
& are called "Mini Words #1" and they come eight different words in the pack.
They are a great size to add in here & there.