Hi there, thanks for stopping by.
Happy Mothers Day to all my blogland friends. I hope you have a
wonderful day & get totally spoilt.
Today I have part one of my May DT reveal to share with you.
I have use lots of NEW release 2 Crafty chippies here including
this title "Smile". I love this font.
The new "Ornate Screen". A real statement piece.
So fine & delicate.
One of their new corners, "Corner Evie"
a little background treatment & some corrugated for texture.
I have finished off with a cluster of flowers & some little chippie
"Flag Banners" that I simply covered with some paper towel
that was covered in green glimmermist from where I had just
finished using it to spray some Green Tara roses on.
It seemed such a waste to throw it away.
Thats all for today, I will be back tomorrow with
Part two of my May reveal.
Remember to visit 2 Crafty on FACEBOOK, it is
updated with something NEW everyday.