Hello there, thanks for calling by.
Today I have one of my layouts I have done for my April
Green Tara DT reveal, all of which are currently on their blog.
Click HERE to see the rest.
I have challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone &
do some more "modern" & "minimilist" layouts.
As anyone who is familiar with my work knows my style
is more "shabby chic". Well I think I have met my
criteria I set for myself & I have to say I am rather
pleased with the outcome & will definitely be doing more
of this style I think !!!!
On this layout I have used some beautiful Green Tara goodies
including this black "Cobweb Mesh". Love this stuff & it comes
in lots of great colours too.
I have also used some of their black
"Silk Flowers with Swarovski Crystal Centres"
& finished off with some of their black & yellow "Roses" &
finally some of their black "Skeleton Leaves".
Until next time.