Yeah!!!! I was "featured" in The Color Room today. How exciting. I'm so happy. Thanks so much to the DT that voted for my layout & to everyone who left such beautiful comments. I do sooooo appreciate it.
Thanks Di xoxo

I though this pallette & this pic were a match made in heaven, although these photos the colour looks a lot more mauve than it really is. I really wanted to do a super girly, over the top flowery feminine layout.
I have used so many gorgeous Green Tara flowers. They have just released a NEW fabric flower range to go with all there other lovely flowers. ALL of these flowers & velvet leaves are Green Tara & cost well under some of the other well known brands. All of these flowers cost under $9 retail, not bad value hey. The big white one in the centre is one of the new ones, so yummy. The lace is also a Green Tara one.