Hi everyone, thanks for calling by.
I have just finished my layout for this weeks colour challenge #130
over at The Color Room.

I must say I do love these colours & I especially love the polka dots.
Such a nice little touch.
To keep with the theme of the polka dots, I carried it through to the
This lovely flourish is one from 2 Crafty chipboard.
I only wish you could see more of it, Sorry!!
I have done lots of stamping, layering, sewing, distressing &
basically had some fun with it.
I really enjoyed doing this page.
I love this photo. This sweet little bub is the Grandaughter
of a friend of mine. Her name is Bella Rose.
Such a beautiful name for such a
beautiful girl.
This gorgeous ribbon that I have tied my bow with is from Green Tara,
& so are all my beautiful flowers & leaves.
Their range just keeps growing & growing.
So many yummy things to tempt us with.
Well thats all for today.
Thanks for calling by.
Until next time.