Hello everyone, thanks for calling by.
I have just finished my layout for challenge #64 for CSI
Looooove these colours, green, especially these shades, are my
all time favourite colour.
First up for my "TESTIMONY" I have journaled on a big
long kraft tag I made & I have simply tucked it in behind my layers
at the top. I used the "verbs" list. Love this list.
I think most of us are guilty of using the same words over & over
in our jounalling & I found this list to be a great help in changing it up a bit.
For my "EVIDENCE" I have used six things.
1. Birds
2. Stamps
3. Words (as embellies)
4. Circles (cogs)
5. Fabric (Hessian Tie)
6. Leaves
Lots of beautiful Green Tara flowers & leaves.
This beautiful word "LOVE" is one of the new titles from
2 Crafty chipboard, as is the "2012" & the little "Cogs & Gears" too.
Well that pretty much wraps up another case file.
Thanks for looking.
Until next time.