Hi there, thanks for calling by.
Today is my turn up on the Green Tara blog.
This is my first DT layout for Green Tara this month,
I'll share the other one tomorrow.
I have scrapped yours truly. I had all these pics taken a couple
of years ago & I think I have only scrapped a few of them,
Funny how we rarely scrap ourselves!!!
Naturally all of my beautiful flowers I have used here are from
Green Tara. The complete list of what I actually used is up
on the Green Tara blog.
I've also used some of their maple leaves too.
I loooove these.
I tucked in some 2 Crafty "Chicken Wire" underneath
my cluster & scattered some Green Tara Mini Flowers in black
around the page to add a little accent of colour.
I have also use some Green Tara "Paper String" to create this
frame for the photo. It is actually paper so it is really easy to
manipulate as opposed to ordinary string. It is great stuff to twirl etc
as it holds it shape, & it comes in loads of
different colours & is really cheap too.
Well that just about wraps this up for today.
Stay tuned for the second half of my post tomorrow.